GIA instructors are passionate educators who bring years of industry experience to the classroom. All are leaders in their fields, and all are dedicated to helping you gain knowledge, acquire skills and launch your career.


Christine Chen

Christine Chen

Known for being dedicated to the education of students, Christine joined GIA in Taipei in 1996. Passionate and enthusiastic, she finds great satisfaction in helping students achieve their educational and professional goals. Christine helps all students who seek her assistance. She believes that a GIA education is essential if one is to succeed in the jewelry industry.

Grace Cho

Grace Cho

Having earned her Graduate Gemologist® diploma and Jewelry Design and Wax Carving certificates at GIA in Taipei, Grace was known as a hardworking individual who was committed to her education. Her outstanding academic achievements won attention, and GIA instructors recommended that she join the staff. Outgoing, patient, and always willing to help, Grace is very popular with her students. Her passion for jewelry includes other skills such as beading, which she also teaches. She was promoted to education manager in 2014.

Coco Fu

Coco Fu

Coco Fu joined GIA in Taipei in 2007, and plays a key role in administration. Her passion about the jewelry industry and optimistic personality has earned consistent positive feedback from students. This makes her one of the most valuable employees at GIA in Taipei.

Jason Kao

Jason Kao

Jason Kao’s gemological journey began as a sales representative for Liang-Her Jewelry Store in Banqiao, Taiwan. Kao then earned the Applied Jewelry Professional diploma and Graduate Gemologist® diploma from GIA. After returning to Taiwan, Kao worked as a jade specialist at Rich-Jade Jewelry. During his tenure, he held a variety of positions in sales, management, and training. In addition to jade, Kao is extremely knowledgeable about emeralds and is passionate about continuing to learn.

Sharon Liu

Sharon Liu

Sharon earned her Graduate Gemologist® and Graduate Jeweler diplomas from GIA in 1993. She then returned to Taipei and started working at a jewelry store as a gemologist. With more than two decades of experience, Sharon is extremely knowledgeable about retail, the wholesale jewelry business, and jewelry manufacturing.

Mark Mai

Mark Mai

After receiving his Graduate Gemologist® diploma, Mark Mai worked in a high-end jewelry store as a sales representative. Wanting to pursue his passion for sharing knowledge, he became a GIA instructor. Mark is known for his creativity, determination, and willingness to help others solve their professional challenges. His goal is to make his students the most knowledgeable professionals in the jewelry industry.

David Tsao

David Tsao

David grew up in his family’s jewelry business. He earned the Graduate Gemologist® and Graduate Jeweler diplomas from GIA in 1996, and subsequently received a master valuer diploma. David then worked for five years in the retail jewelry and pearl wholesale businesses. In 1996, he was hired as an on-campus instructor at GIA in Taipei. In 2000, he taught GIA extension courses in China. David excels in the theory and practice of diamond grading, colored stone grading, gem identification, and pearl grading.

Michael Wang

Michael (Hong-Lik) Wang

With more than 10 years’ experience in the luxury jewelry and watch industry, Michael has held a variety of positions, including: sales associate, store manager, and local jeweler to international luxury jewelry brands in Taipei, Sydney and Melbourne. His work also involved manufacturing, repairing, appraising, 3D printing and marketing. Michael is passionate about sharing his expertise with his students. Self-learning inspires him, and his ultimate goal is to turn the classroom into a student-oriented learning environment that excites and empowers. His being multilingual enriches his classes – he speaks English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Shanghainese. Michael previously taught guitar, ukulele, and the tsugaru-shamisen (a traditional three-string Japanese instrument).

I-Ting Wu

I-Ting Wu

I-Ting has always been spellbound by gems, and she earned the Graduate Gemologist® and Jewelry Design diplomas in 1997. She applied what she learned while working a part-time job in the jewelry industry and running her own electronic business. I-Ting’s love of learning inspired her to return to the academic world, and she became a student tutor at a college. Her enthusiasm for teaching and interest in gemology drew her back to GIA. Patient and warmhearted, I-Ting finds joy in teaching.

Albee Yen

Albee Yen

Albee Yen earned a bachelor’s degree in geology science from Chinese Culture University. She continued to pursue her passion for gemology by earning her Graduate Gemologist® diploma and Jewelry Design certificate from GIA. After graduation, Yen worked with diamond and colored stones in retail and wholesale environments, and returned to GIA as an instructor in 2014. Yen enjoys reminding her students that since nature creates gemstones, their beauty is priceless.

jewelry arts

Mia Chang

Mia Chang

After earning a Master’s Degree in Art and Design in UK, Mia returned to Taiwan and worked as a jewelry designer. She also taught jewelry design, gemology and metalwork. Mia then polished her metalsmithing, jewelry design and communication skills through more than 10 of years teaching. Mia has a bubbling personality and is full of enthusiasm for her work.